Oh my God. I don't think I've ever studied at a slower pace than I am today.
I am
so bored.
Also, as I'm sitting here, I'm alternating between feeling cold and feeling hot, which I'm hoping isn't a sign that I'm gonna get sick sometime soon. It would be perfect, though, you know. Right during exams and all...
Well, at least I have something to look forward to. Gonna go see
Eternal Sunshine tomorrow with Andrea. Finally, yay. Which reminds me, I should really pick up the slack on my studying today. What's
with me? I'm studying at like, a snail's pace. Actually, there's a snail right here next to my mousepad and he's way ahead of me in the studying department.
Um...I think I'll stop visualizing imaginary, personified animals now and actually try to make some progress...
Say, is that hologram-y butterfly over there real, or just a figment of my sleepy mind, an illusory mirage?
Oh God. Wish me luck.